2020 Durham Family Pictures

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Misc Winter Pics

Tedeschi Trucks Concert Share/Spare Quite a Party! Donation Time... Yikes! Snuggle Bunnies
Carla and Robin Sistas! Pho Date Elvis! Frosty Morning Majong Gang

A Stop at the Norman Rockwell Museum

The Runaway Going and
Look Away Boy and Girl
Gazing at the
The Gossips New Kids in the
Self Portrait Portrait of Love


2014 Rollcall: Dar, Jim, Austin, Zach, Chuck, Alex, Luke, Allie, Reese, Beckham, Lexie, Sydney

We're Back! To Ski Class! Mom and Sons...in the Sun Buddies Welcome Sydney!
Chillin' Puzzles Cup Stack Wine Beckham!

A Chef in the Family

So proud! Way to go! Happy Mom A New Chef ...Another Pic Tuff Trio Wow!
Dinner at the Cafe x x x J & D Rita's Exquisite Food Salmon

Mid-February, as everyone knows, Covid-19 hit. Our children, and their significant others, came home.

Below, you will see how we all occupied our time, during this unique mini-adventure.

(It was great to have the kids home again.)

DIY Fireplace!

Death of "The Mirrors" Down They Come! Framing In Progress Sawing Gal Looking Good! Mantle Work Tada!

Family Portraits (by Barb)

The PA Durham's Dudes J & D I Choose Us Ladies
Mom's Girl Miko's Fan Club So Grown Up We Love Dat Woog! White Subaru's

Family Hike

Taking It All In Taking a Break Sunrise! Mom and Dau What?! Sweet Gal

Misc. Spring Pics

Masking Up Hoops Knitting Baby Leo Lifting Baking Lovin' Miko
Two of a Kind Sequence! Tubing? Wink! Mother's Day 2020!
Garden Markers Breakin Earth By the Fire Carol's Advice Deet's B-Day! Nice!

Arlee Jane Arrives!

Sweetheart! Big Sisters Bull and Bones Cherub Beautiful Ladies Jenny and Dar Arlee

Corolla Beach, North Carolina

Martin Peeps Ready for Pizza! Em and Dani Sunset at the Beach Proud Dad Cousin Zach
Darling Arlee Durham's J, D & R Dar & Jim The Beach Brigade! Martin's

Misc Summer Pics

July 4 Party! Beckham Lynda & Ollie Float Time Under the Bridge Mornin' Glory
Golfing with Doug Hot Ones! It's HOT! Le Jardin The Gardener Harvest
Patty Pans Plan in Effect McMurry Dark Sky-Cherry Springs Family Float "Lil' Z" and "D-Dubs"

Misc Fall Pics

Dad Dani Zach Camp Hill FFL Draft Auctioneer Miko!
Firestarter Sippin' Time Fall Evening Toasty Nope Thanksgiving

Covid-19 Cookies

That Little Thing That... Bro Fun Workship Practice Samples This Year's Entries A Champ Once Again!

Christmas Day

Warm Hearth Warm Dog Zoom Call from CO Danjello! A & Z Fireplace
Gifts Dar & Dad Holiday Feast! John & Zach Peperak Zoom Call!


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