2015 Durham Family Pictures

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On March 10, 2015, all our lives suffered an unbearable loss. Our twin, sister, mother, grandmother,
in-law, friend, Arleen O'Donnell, suddenly left us. Simply put, this has changed everything.
Some of us were left devastated...her husband, her children, her twin sister.
Healing has only been possible through shared sadness, difficult mourning,
the patient hand of the Lord, and this incredible family's love. 
That is how you get through each day.
Somehow this family came together, wounded, but moving forward.
She'd want that.

Arleen, please know that we miss you and will always remember your deep-loving, carefree outlook.

We are now stronger thanks to you. 

Arleen O'Donnell

Winter 2015

At Bonnie and Matt's Dar's B-day Shopping

Smuggs (though brief)

2015 Rollcall: Dar, Dani, Austin, Chuck, Chuckie, Alex, Luke, Fallyn

Smuggers Bomb Squad

Spring Pics

At Chuck's

Easter Pic


Prom Nite


Zach's CV Musical: Mary Poppins!



Primping for the Pic


He's Alive!


Teaching a Lesson

Don't Mistreat Your Toys!

Playing The Game


Last Show

Booty Call

Hershey Park with the Marsinko's

PA Famazee Awesome Crew! Reese's C'Mon!
Twizzlers Go West! Rocket Ride Pizza! Kiss

Myriam Graduates!

Her Big Day! Ready to Graduate Class of 2015 Cap Art Congrats!
Giant Event Proud Parents Proud Mom No Diploma? American Grad

Misc Summer Pics

Kayaking Staff...?! Luke Rachel Brews-way Peppers Jeep Studs
Jim Brown OLOL Jules Chillin' By The Pit Reunion Honeys

Twinless Twins

Dar's Twin... ...Balloon Prissy Prissy and Sara Banquet More Twins! Airport

Jim's Texas Trip

Julie Rare Thunderstorm Rina's Fish Size Deane Kel and Mel Tally Fun Evening

Lake Canadohta

Cozy Cabin Biking Flipping Out! Float Boat Lake Beauty Baby Kisses
Miya Sibs Our Gracious Hosts Cool? Uh..Nope Pooch and Reese The Gang


Tada! Lynda PaPap Proud Cub Great Aunt
Proud Sisters Calling The World! Family Aunt Pooch Beaming Dad

Bea's Shower

Party Time w/ Laura! Bea Shower Guests Dar and Mimi Bride To Be Marsinko's
Gals Reese in sepia Jean Bridesmaids WUB! Liz

Misc Fall Pics

Little Man Beckham's Buds Ohiopyle Dani's B-Day at Pitt Party! Hamilton Pitt CV (w/Emily) w/ Rascal

Hamilton Football, Back on the Field, One Last Time

Scrimmage New Tight End Bro's Proud Mom Go CONTS! Pass Pattern
Bestest Fans Fall Game Sigh... But My Sibs Cheer Me Up vs. Trinity vs. Tufts
Senior Day Power Offense He's OPEN! So Honored Zolet
Something Was Funny Great Career! Cade Glover Coach Murray Jenkins Brothers Senior Recognition

Brittany and Josh!

Ready! So fine Zach-Mac with Andrew Proud Dad Not a Dry Eye Arleen's Breeze
Bride&Groom Sibski's Suzie and the Boys #Famazee Kristin and Deet Peperaks
Beckham Edwin Pooch and Moose Having Fun Yet? Rachel Danny and Suzie
OK...Getting Too... ...Happy?! Swinging Bridal Dance Kayla and Karly Life Of The Party

All About Riley!

O-Zone Beauties Nice Pose Godmother Durham's Candid Gals
Mom! Reese Allie Auntie Proud Parents Riley!

Thanksgiving in Connellsville

George and Connie Grandma Jean It's All About... Beckham! Family Pyramid D-Ham's Uncle Cub
Best Buddies Old Style Photo Spark's Proud Poppy Christmas In Ligoneer Cousins

Now Those Sweaters Are Ugly!

Jen and Beckham Fashion Models Fun Being Had Kayla Lots of Tinsel Justin That's MY Sweater!

White Christmas Musical

Makeup! Snow, Snow, Snow! Dancing Mrs. Allen Cast

Misc Winter Pics

Christmas Concert Bro's Blue Mtn Diner Uncle Tom! Christmas Cheer? Sexy 7 Reunion '15

Christmas Eve (or The Annual and Famous Durham Cookie Decorating Contest)

Holiday Baking Mama's Boy Selfie Sugar Cookies Samples Entries The Winner!

Christmas 2015 - Zach's Mug, Tye-Dyed Cats and a Scavenger Hunt

Morning Loving Dat Woog! Nanu Classic Pose Stockings I Heart Mom
Two of a Kind Wait a Sec... Pitt! Zach's Gift Scavenger Hunt Home Sweet Home See You Next Year...


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