Dad's Movie Lists


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No. 10c - The Return of the Jedi (1983)

Return to a Galaxy... far, far away.

Rated: PG (Parental Guidance) for sci-fi violence

Director: Richard Marquand; Screenplay: Lucas and Lawrence Kasdan

Starring: Mark Hamill, Harrison Ford, Carrie Fisher, Billy Dee Williams, Frank Oz, Anthony Daniels, Kenny Baker, Peter Mayhew, David Prowse, James Earl Jones, Ian McDiarmid

Movie Introduction: After Han Solo's (Ford) rescue from the gelatinous Jabba the Hut, Princess Leia (Fisher) and Luke Skywalker (Hamill) rejoin the rebel forces against the Galactic Empire and Darth Vader. We finally meet Vader's high commander, the sinister Emperor (McDiarmid), a sorcerer very powerful in the dark ways of the force. As the original Death Star nears it reconstruction, the rebel forces plan to attack the weapon's shield generator stationed on a nearby moon named Endor. There our heroes encounter new allies, a race of furry beings called Ewoks.

Defining Moment: "It's too late for me, son..."

From the opening scene in Star Wars, the rebel forces have been under attack by the stern, merciless Darth Vader. Luke knows that Vader senses his growing jedi powers. He also knows that he has to face Vader one last time. On the Endor moon, Luke surrenders himself to the dark Lord. Luke uses this short interaction to try and sway Vader, because he senses that there is a conflict deep within - there's still good in him. For the first time, we see a slight waiver of Vader's personality. Perhaps Luke is onto something...  (Watch this vital scene on YouTube)

Something subtle you might have missed:  a short list

  • The growls and sounds of the Rancor in Jabba's Palace were actually made by a dachshund.
  • The scene where Yoda confirms Luke's parentage was added later, to insure the audience understood that vital plot point.
  • Admiral Ackbar's famous line "It's a trap!" was originally scripted as "It's a trick!"
  • The word "Ewok" is never spoken in the movie.

Memorable Quotes:

"Because there is good in him, I've felt it. He won't turn me over to the Emperor. I can save him." – Luke Skywalker

"It's a trap!" – Admiral Ackbar

"Good... I feel your anger. I am defenseless. Take your weapon. Strike me down with all of your hatred, and your journey to the dark side will be complete!" - The Emperor

Dad's Review:

The original Star Wars saga would not be complete without this final entry. My journey to embrace this film has been long, and a little painful.

After The Empire Strikes Back, expectations were over the moon. There were so many unanswered questions. By now, everyone knew about the cultural phenomenon that was Star Wars. Every child had t-shirts, toys, bed sheets, lunchboxes, curtains and LEGO sets. There were Star Wars conventions. It was more of a movement, than mere fan adoration.

The problem is that high expectations often result in a let down. I have to be honest, I felt let down, even a little betrayed, after watching this movie. I wanted a continuation of the dark tone set in Empire. Things for our heroes are getting serious. The evil Empire must to be defeated!

This film delivers that, but there is a clear tonal shift for much of the film. This can be summed up with one word: Ewoks.

These cute, fuzzy teddy bears, the native inhabitants of the Moon of Endor, were just too much for me handle. I have been overtly critical of their inclusion in the film. Did Lucas include them to pander to children? Was he trying to appease critics? I don't know. Regardless, it's time for me to let it go. These funny little creatures serve a very important purpose as they ally with the Rebel forces. God love them; time to move on. (Incidentally, there were early script drafts where the Ewoks were Wookies. I think that would direction would have been more effective - because honestly, Wookies, though also cute, can kick serious butt when needed.)

In Return of the Jedi, the action-filled plot moves us toward two final showdowns. The first is the Rebel Alliance and its final attempt to destroy the Empire's new Death Star and therefore rid the galaxy of tyranny.

The second is Luke's unfinished business with Darth Vader. Luke senses Vader has some good within him, and in fact strives to bring him back to the good side. It is into this confrontation that a new characters emerges, the Emperor. The dark-hooded Lord of evil controls Vader, and has plans of his own to turn Luke to the dark side.

This film, as we expect, has many great moments: Han's rescue from Jabba the Hut, the forest speeder chase, Luke's final battle with Vader and the massive space battle between the Rebel Forces and the Imperial fighters. It's big and loud and exciting. It's a perfect final film in one of Hollywood's great trilogies. 


At the end of my original review of The Empire Strikes Back, I penned a long diatribe about my dislike, and list exclusion, of The Return of the Jedi. I apologize. It's time to be a better person. I just have to get over the Ewoks. The final film has a lot of great moments and for that, it should be included. This keeps the original trilogy intact, at least on Dad's List.

For your reading pleasure (and my embarrassment), here is my original rant. May The Force Be With You (and forgive me).

"I cannot conclude my review of Empire without explaining my omission of Return of the Jedi from the Top50 list. It is a terrible film? No.  I could live with the sappy ending. The level of annoyance with C-3P0 was still at a low level. I really enjoyed the Vader/Luke showdown. But for the love of all that is sacred, what the hell is the deal with the damn Ewoks!  OK, it was cute for about 5 minutes. But there is no way in hell a bunch of teddy bears can defeat grown-ass storm troopers! I could not suspend belief that far.

What I admired about the first two film was that they were somewhat sophisticated, targeting young adults not four- to eight-year-olds children. The Ewoks drove the trilogy finale straight into a Toys ‘R Us store. Of course, this was George Lucas’ doing, as a response to critics who said Empire was too dark. Adding those fuzzy little creatures was a mistake, in my opinion.

Do you need to see this film to finish the story? Yes, of course you do. As stated, it has some great moments, but I just cannot include this film on my list."

Onto No. 11...It's an Incredible Existence





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